Monday, 12 September 2016

CSGO Game Review

Counter Strike: Global Offensive 

In this section of my blog i will be reviewing my favourite E-sport game Counter Strike: Global Offensive. It is a featured PC game but can be played on the XBOX. I have been playing the counter strike series since the age of 6 and haven't disliked it within the 10 years of playing.

CSGO for short is the third counter strike of the series. It is a team based strategy first person shooter where you either defend or attack a bomb site or work as a team and defend/rescue multiple hostages.

There are many known maps within this game that stretch out within other games. For example the well known maps De_Dust2, De_Inferno and De_Mirage. Also known as De_CPL_Strike. There is a huge professional background within this game as people play this competitively for money. I myself have attended several LAN's playing for a well known organisation called Team Penguin Overlords (TPO.Dev) in the UK scene.

However this game has a HUGE community that reaches from trolls and hackers to serious gamer's that are very good at it. Opinions of this game vary between the worst game ever and the best FPS out there. I can state a lot of issues of the top of my head within this game that create these negative reviews. For example the poorly designed maps. What i mean by this is the poorly generated sky boxes and clippings that prevent smooth movement when it comes to climbing stairs and slopes etc. This is a major factor within this game as this puts you at a huge disadvantage against a good player. The video below hows this:

There is also a problem with the hit registration within Counter Strike.Valve is a corporation that makes millions from their game launcher Steam and being the owner of Counter Strike and other big games such as Dota and Team Fortress 2. The fact that they are making so much and doing so little to make Counter Strike the game it should be players are left angry as they get out played by a game error within the game. Instead of adding new sounds to replace the old classics FIX YOUR GAME! The video used below is will show these errors with hit reg and say what needs fixing:

However fatal errors to the side, Counter Strike is still an amazing games. I would 100% recommend this game to anyone as it is never the same and can give countless hours of fun with your friends with no boredom. There are multiple well designed character models within counter strike for each side that are unique between the players. The teams Counter Terrorists and Terrorists both use their stereotypical assault rifles, this is the M4A4/M4A1-S and the AK47. They both also have access to two different Snipers. The "Scout" and the AWP. Both guns require high levels of skill to be accurate.

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